Construction progress Hauptbahnhof C.18.B

Construction progress Hauptbahnhof C.18.B 26.03.2018

Spring is only beginning to get going this year, while our drywall construction work on the office floors is already well under way. Most of the walls are planked on one side and the concrete floor has been completely sanded to prepare it for subsequent sealing under the cavity floor. Thanks to the slight rise in temperatures, it was also possible to start installing the thermal insulation panels on the facade.
On the courtyard side, slightly more than half of the panels have already been glued and the first glass panes have already been inserted into the mullion-transom facade on the ground floor.
The screed work in the apartments of staircase 2 and on the third floor of staircase 1 is completely completed. Soon the first spatula and painting work will begin here.

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