Tokyo – trip 2018

At the end of October a part of the WGA team departed for Tokyo. As part of an architecture seminar, the vibrant metropolitan region with its impressive skyscrapers was visited. The works of Kenzo Tange, in his various creative periods, were explored and the projects of the metabolic artists discovered. In addition, it was primarily current buildings by various renowned Japanese and international architects that were outstanding. Of course, the traditional Japanese architecture, which was viewed in detail in an excursion to Kyoto, was not overlooked. Besides projects like the national Sporthale Yoyogi, Sunny Hills, the Tokyo International Forum, the Marienkirche and the Cocoon Tower, the views from the Tokyo Skytree and Roppongi Hills were among the highlights of the trip. Guided tours with local architectural guides who explained the nuances of Japanese society and a special tour of the Nakagin Capsule Tower completed the tour. At night in particular, the glittering liveliness of the city glowed and contributed to making the stay an unforgettable experience.